Money, Mindset & Kicking Fear To The Back Seat with Soulful Business Coach {Heidi Stevens} - Episode #60


Be prepared to be inspired as Heidi Stevens, a soulful business coach, joins the podcast and discusses how she helps female entrepreneurs get a clear business strategy, up-level their mindset and trust their intuition to take inspired action. From telling fear to take a back seat to recognizing that different thoughts are meant to be our drivers at different times to remaining consistent, Heidi shares amazing advice and experience on how to keep growing on your entrepreneurial journey.

Today, we are all about finding courage and taking that next step.

What We’re Talking About

  • Finding Your Path

  • Not Quitting

  • Throwing Fear In The Back Seat

Deciding What You Want To Do and Developing A Business Strategy

You are in charge of your future and what you want to do, so you need to start thinking big. Starting a new career or business allows you to mold your life into what you want it to look like, not only this year but for many years to come. You need to look at the big picture when deciding what you want to do and how you will do it. As you start your journey and take each new step, more of what is to come will be revealed to you along the way. It won’t just be about your business, but about a new lifestyle you are about to create and start living.

Finding The Right Mindset and Not Giving Up

As an entrepreneur you will question your own actions, your thoughts, and find fear, but it’s up to you to put yourself in the right mindset. Heidi shares some of her favorite mindset meditations and how just 10 minutes a day can help you overcome that negativity.

Don’t Let Fear Take Over

Fear is a feeling that needs to be thrown in the back seat. Fear is what gets in our way of moving forward and moving ahead. Focusing on the inspiration and ideas that you have and not getting in your own way is the key to not only growing your business but growing as a person too. Be consistent in practicing your purpose and sharing it with the world.

Share your purpose and joy with the world by doing what you were meant to do.

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